Monday, February 11, 2019

Go west, young man, go west!

It's the Costco Way →
Let's begin by looking at the timeline on page 304 -305
  • 1821 Mexico wins independence from Spain
  • 1823 the Monroe Doctrine exerts dominance over the western hemisphere to block all European intervention
  • 1827 U.S. & G.B. joint occupation of Oregon Country
  • 1838 Californios revolt against Mexican government
  • 1842 China gives G.B. control over Hong Kong
  • 1846 U.S. declares war against Mexico
  • 1848 Gold is discovered in California 
Read pages 294-297 at home
Read this short article 
What allowed squatters to move west? 
*Each table will give a response
Read pages 308 - 311
Answer these vocabulary questions 
Discuss bulletin board project
Facts, fiction/lies, tweets,