Planner Check!!!
It's the Costco Way ⇰⇰⇰ leave them closed
Okay students...
- You have had 3 days to review the material
- Today you will get your poster
- Think about organization/layout before writing
- Posters stay in the classroom
- Your poster should include the following: 1. Maps/Colonies in your region
2. People (highlighted, slaves, indentured servants)
3. Religion (the roll it played in society)
4. Environment/Climate (cold, swamp, rocky, fertile)
5. Crops/Industry (what they grew and/or sold)
6. Why members of the region came to the colonies
🔸Includes the 6 categories
🔸Clearly & thoroughly explains the region
🔸Complete sentences, correct spelling, grammar, etc...
🔸Writing should be easily readable (font size & color)
🔸The information should fill the poster
🔸Complete sentences, correct spelling, grammar, etc...
🔸Writing should be easily readable (font size & color)
🔸The information should fill the poster
Posters are due Friday, October 4th
If you have any questions, or are unclear come and talk to me!