Monday, March 9, 2020

Timeline 1800-1859

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Weekly Bulletin

Sniffles and Sneezes (1955)

It's the Costco Way ⇰⇰⇰⇰ leave them closed!

Students, you are going to make a timeline on the computer using the information from The People History website. Click on "More Detailed" to get all the events in each decade. All events, both foreign and domestic should be included. This website has a pretty thorough list, I did notice some typos, google to confirm accuracy.

🔺Use a timeline template or use a Google Doc
🔻Each person is responsible for their own timeline
First thing:
1. As a class you will need to figure out how many events each person is responsible for and then one person will share a Google Sheets Spreadsheet with me before the end of the period with each person's first and last name, the dates/events they are covering, and the format they are using. Title the document: Time Line Assignments Period ? (the question mark should be replaced with your period number)
3. Once you know your dates you can begin creating the timeline for the years you are to cover. Each event should include: 1. complete date, 2. full description, 3. image.
By the end of today:
1. I have a Google Sheets Spreadsheet shared with me 
2. Each student knows their dates
3. Each student knows their platform (template or doc)
4. Each student has visited the website
5. Each student is ready to create tomorrow
Here are some examples: