Friday, August 31, 2018

Mapping Skills

Take your textbook home
It's the Costco Way...get your computer

  • put your backpack at your desk
  • one way to the computer cart
  • carry YOUR computer with both hands
  • one way to your desk
  • quickly, we have lots to do

Today we are going to examine the 5 Themes of Geography through the lens of Fortnite

After the video

  1. open a Google Doc
  2. title your document the period your last name, first name (1 Morrow, Andra) 
  3. open a new tab in your browser 
  4. go to Photos for Class 
  5. find one image for each theme
  6. insert the images into your Doc
  7. type the definition of each theme from your text (pagss. H10-H11)
  8. below each image explain in complete sentences describe the image and why it reflects the theme
Enjoy your long weekend, see you Tuesday!