Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Our 1st assignment, “Know your Textbook”

It's the Costco way...get computers

What is needed on ALL future assignments 


    • accuracy, thoroughness, and readability is more important than how fast you get done
  • Heading: 
    • write your first and complete last name, the period and date on the right hand side

10% will be deducted from your grade on future assignments if this is not followed 
  • Answer the prompt (question) completely
  • Use CAPITAL letters when needed
  •  Spelling & Clarity: 
    • In our 1st assignment everything should be spelled correctly, the answers were directly out of the textbook. 
  •  If I can’t read it, I can’t grade it, write clearly
  • Roman Numerals (question 2: xxiv-xxvi) *they matter
  • Why the type of rifle makes a difference
  • Working in pairs or groups
    • Do you trust your source? (where you get your information)
  • Everyone should be working!
    • Reading, discussing the question or assignment,  & writing
  • Group work does not mean you just copy answers 
    • zero for that question or a zero for the assignment for both people involved- I’m serious!