Wednesday, September 5, 2018


  • Turn in/pick up "Know your Textbook" 
    • Keep the worksheets as a reference
  • Work on the 5 Themes of Geography
    • It is due tomorrow at the beginning of class
    • Scroll to 8/31/2018 here on the Blog to review the instructions if needed
  • What Happened in Jamestown? (pages 36-37)
  • America the Story of Us: Life in Jamestown | History
    • What was the Human-Environment Interaction in Jamestown? 
  • Go to your Google Doc (Journal ) 
  • At the top of the page type the date (use left alien)
  • The title is Jamestown (below the date and left alien)
  • Below the title you are going to answer two questions
  1. Explain what the Human-Environment Interaction was in Jamestown and if it was positive or negative to the settlers (page 36-37)
    • Example introduction: 
    • The Human-Environment Interaction in Jamestown Colony was negative for the settlers due to ...
  2. What was Bacon's Rebellion and how did it impact Jamestown? (38)