Monday, September 17, 2018

Colonial Regions Poster Project

Groups have been assigned one of three colonial regions, each group will produce a poster providing information on their region.

  • New England
  • Middle
  • Southern
Poster Rubric click here

The way the information is presented on your poster is entirely up to the group. You have creative control! Each group will design a poster with the following information:

  1. Climate - what was the weather like in your region
  2. Geography - what were the natural features (such as rivers, mountains, etc.)
  3. Industry - what kind of products did they produce
  4. Trade - what did they buy, sell, or exchange 
  5. Religion - did they have an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules
  6. Tolerance - did they accept people of other races or with different beliefs 
  7. Diversity - were there people of different races or who had different beliefs
  8. Agriculture - what type of crops, livestock, or poultry did they produce
  9. Why did they leave and go to the colonies, did they have a choice
  10. Describe how your region is different then the other two regions
  11. Include a map with the names of the 13 colonies, distinguish the different regions 
  • You can use your comparison chart you filled out in class, a textbook, or a computer to access information provided on the blog