Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Finishing Colonial Region Poster Project

  • One to two people should work on the manifest while the other group members finish the poster.
  • The posters and the freight manifest are due by the end of the period today
    • Posters should have each group members first and last name and period on the front of the poster. 
Freight Manifests
click here for the freight manifest 
  • Groups will combine their freight manifests into a single document  
  • Go through your freight manifests and determine when an item has been repeated
  • Add the number together from all group members 
  • List the item one time in your document with it's weight, figure out how many, and calculate the total weight. 
Name of item
Weight of item
Number of items
Total per item
sleeping bag-cold weather
3 lbs.
12 lbs.
Colonial Poster Project Rubric  click here to view the rubric
Content accuracy
All topics are accurate    
1 topic has inaccuracies and/or limited content
2 topics have    inaccuracies and/or limited content
3 or more topics have inaccuracies and/or limited content
attractiveness, and creativity
The poster contains all required topics, exceeds requirements
The poster contains all required topics, meets requirements
The poster is missing 1 required topic or lacks neatness
The poster is missing 2 or more required topics, does not meet requirements
Easy to read, aids the viewer’s understanding of content, all space used
Easy to read, aids the viewer’s understanding of content, ¾ space used
Some difficulty to follow, lack of organization, ½ space not used
Difficult to follow, lack of organization, more than ½ space not used
Writing; grammar, spelling, capitalization,
names and period
No errors
1-5 errors
6-10 errors
11 or more errors