Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Finishing the Jefferson Era

On a new piece of paper answer the following questions:
  1. What did Marbury vs. Madison establish?
  2. What were the political parties and who were their candidates in 1800? 
  3. Who was John Marshall?
  4. When was Thomas Jefferson born?
  5. What document did Thomas Jefferson write?
  6. What current states did Lewis & Clark travel through?
  7. How much did the United States pay France for Louisiana?
  8. Who was the leader of France when it sold Louisiana?
  9. What new states were added by the Louisiana Purchase?
  10. What river did Lewis & Clark travel on when they received their last supplies?
  11. What is impressment?
  12. Who are the “War Hawks”?
  13. Why is the “Red River” important?
  14. In what state did Zebulon Pike try to reach the summit?
  15. Who is Sacagawea?
  16. What did Andrew Jackson do in 1813-1814?
  17. What were 3 effects of the War of 1812?
  18. Who was the president when the British set fire to the Whitehouse?
  19. Who saved a painting of President Washington?
  20. What was the Treaty of Ghent? Where was it signed? When was it signed?
  21. Using the primary document on page 244 explain what Tecumseh thought about settlers buying land. Use a quote from the document.