Thursday, September 27, 2018

Road to Revolution

We will continue to look at events leading to the American Revolution
It is the Costco way...
Today we will be looking at
  • The Quartering Act of 1765
  • The Townshend Act of 1767
Record events on your index cards and online timeline
Some of the information on today's topics has been updated
  • Information for your index cards can be found here 
While taxes were an issue, it is the lack of Parliamentary Representation!
*Friday after school for retakes or makeup work!

Monday, September 24, 2018

Road to Revolution

It's the Costco Way...

  • Grades for the Chapter 2, Section 5 quiz are posted. 

Today we are going to begin to look at events that led to the American Revolution

  • Students will create a timeline of events 
  • Our History Timeline template
  • Sticky Note Timeline template
  • Google Draw
  • Sutori
  • Timeline program/template
  • Students will record key events on flash cards 
    • Index card information here
Our timeline will begin with the French and Indian War
The French and Indian War in North America
was part of a larger war  between Great Britain and France known as The Seven Years’ War. The French and Indian War began in 1754 and ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1763. The land claimed by France, and Florida claimed by Spain became part of Great Britain when the French and the Spanish signed the Treaty of Paris, but Britain had borrowed money to pay for the war and needed to pay the loans back. Britain began imposing taxes to raise money to pay back the loans. Britain also tried to limit Anglo-American colonists from moving west.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Geography Skills

Happy Friday students, what an awesome evening we had last night. It was very nice meeting parents and sharing the work you have done.
  • Today it is the much anticipated 13 Colonies Map Quiz, I know how excited you all are to show your mastery. But first, let's take one more look click here

Wave to view while testing

 What do you think this means?
“Join, or Die,” by Benjamin Franklin, Pennsylvania Gazette (Philadelphia,  PA), May 9, 1754. Courtesy, Library of Congress
Click here for the answer

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Back to School Night

Parents, please take out your cell phones

Go to the class blog at

There are tabs above the date
  • Click on Guidelines
    • School and classroom expectations
  • Click on Facts for Parents
    • District policies, dates, and contact information 
  • Click on Advisory
    • School events and information
  • Click on Read the Syllabus (right side)
    • State, district, school, and class information with links to pages and websites
  • The Home page has all class information, including assignments and assessments. Links are provided. If the reading is from the textbook pages are listed. 

Today is a Minimum Day!

Posters need to be done and hung by the end of the period

  • Full names and periods on the front of the poster
  • Posters will be grouped by period
  • I will be here after school for any final touches

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Conflict in the Colonies

Be the awesome students I know you are while I am out today!

  • Posters are on hold till Thursday
  • Students will read pages 64 - 69 in the textbook
  • Click here for the quiz
Thursday is minimum day & Back to School Night!

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Finishing Colonial Region Poster Project

  • One to two people should work on the manifest while the other group members finish the poster.
  • The posters and the freight manifest are due by the end of the period today
    • Posters should have each group members first and last name and period on the front of the poster. 
Freight Manifests
click here for the freight manifest 
  • Groups will combine their freight manifests into a single document  
  • Go through your freight manifests and determine when an item has been repeated
  • Add the number together from all group members 
  • List the item one time in your document with it's weight, figure out how many, and calculate the total weight. 
Name of item
Weight of item
Number of items
Total per item
sleeping bag-cold weather
3 lbs.
12 lbs.
Colonial Poster Project Rubric  click here to view the rubric
Content accuracy
All topics are accurate    
1 topic has inaccuracies and/or limited content
2 topics have    inaccuracies and/or limited content
3 or more topics have inaccuracies and/or limited content
attractiveness, and creativity
The poster contains all required topics, exceeds requirements
The poster contains all required topics, meets requirements
The poster is missing 1 required topic or lacks neatness
The poster is missing 2 or more required topics, does not meet requirements
Easy to read, aids the viewer’s understanding of content, all space used
Easy to read, aids the viewer’s understanding of content, ¾ space used
Some difficulty to follow, lack of organization, ½ space not used
Difficult to follow, lack of organization, more than ½ space not used
Writing; grammar, spelling, capitalization,
names and period
No errors
1-5 errors
6-10 errors
11 or more errors

Monday, September 17, 2018

Colonial Regions Poster Project

Groups have been assigned one of three colonial regions, each group will produce a poster providing information on their region.

  • New England
  • Middle
  • Southern
Poster Rubric click here

The way the information is presented on your poster is entirely up to the group. You have creative control! Each group will design a poster with the following information:

  1. Climate - what was the weather like in your region
  2. Geography - what were the natural features (such as rivers, mountains, etc.)
  3. Industry - what kind of products did they produce
  4. Trade - what did they buy, sell, or exchange 
  5. Religion - did they have an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules
  6. Tolerance - did they accept people of other races or with different beliefs 
  7. Diversity - were there people of different races or who had different beliefs
  8. Agriculture - what type of crops, livestock, or poultry did they produce
  9. Why did they leave and go to the colonies, did they have a choice
  10. Describe how your region is different then the other two regions
  11. Include a map with the names of the 13 colonies, distinguish the different regions 
  • You can use your comparison chart you filled out in class, a textbook, or a computer to access information provided on the blog

Friday, September 14, 2018

The Southern Colonies

Today we are going to continue reviewing the colonies
  • The focus today will be the southern colonies
    • Check the links from Wednesday 
  • We will review the map of the 13 colonies

Thursday, September 13, 2018

The Middle Colonies

Today we are going to continue reviewing the colonies

  • The focus today will be the middle colonies 
  • We will review the map of the 13 colonies

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The New England Colonies

We will continue to look at the 3 regions of the American Colonies

  • The first thing we will look at are the 13 Colonies of Colonial  America

Click here to see the map we will use for assessment next week

Today, we will take a closer look at each region by comparing and contrasting the differences

  • Click on the link here to get the Comparing the Colonies google doc 
    • you can type in the google doc, or I will have hard copies
  • In addition to the information provided earlier on the blog and the textbook, click here for additional information. 
    • hard copies will also be in class

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

The Colonies

Today we will begin working on posters

  • Read the information on "your" colonial region
    • Information is on yesterday's blog, just scroll down. 
  • Additional information Colonial America 18th Century
  • Use the textbook for additional information. 
    • New England Colonies pages 42- 48
    • Middle Colonies pages 49- 51
    • Southern Colonies pages 36- 41
  • Each person in the group will need to write their information that is going on the poster on a piece of notebook paper and get it cleared by me first before it goes on the poster
Be creative when designing your posters
Names and period should be on the back of the poster. 

Monday, September 10, 2018

The Colonies

Go to Google Classroom, we are retaking the quiz!

Colonial Region Project

Things that need to be included

  1. Completed Freight Manifest for each group member  - 500 lbs. per person
  2. A poster with the Seven (7)  topics that made your group's colonies unique
  3. A personal letter written by you to someone back home describing the trials and tribulations of the journey and life in the colonies  
Before we begin today we will discuss time management and what should be completed by the end of each period-
  • by the end of the period today each person will know the topics they are adding to the poster and the group will turn in a sketch of their groups poster (these will be collected today)

Here are the resources you will need

Friday, September 7, 2018

The end of week two

It's the Costco way...get computers...

  • Go to Google classroom 
  • Click on the link and take the quiz
  • After the quiz read today's assignment

Time travel to the Colonial period

You will travel to the year 1700
  • Groups will be assigned one of the three regions 
  • Each person can take 500 lbs. 
  • Each member will need to produce a freight manifest that lists each item, how many, and it's weight. In your manifest you will add all items together, not to exceed 500 lbs. 

  1. Research colonies in the region in 1700 to see where you want to live. 
  2. As a group decide which state you will go to in the region you were assigned. 
  3. As a group assign each person 1-3 topics to research
  4. Are you going to work with your group to distribute weight, or work alone?
  5. For your topic/s find the items and each item's weight, decide how many you or your group will need.
  6. Make sure to calculate the weight for each item using your freight manifest.
  7. By the end of class today each group will have 1 - 4 completed and beginning research for items to ship.  
Here are some things you need to think about, you probably want to add to this list.
  • Climate - where you live determines everything else
  • Tools
  • Clothing/shoes/boots
  • Food (Seeds)
  • Cookware
  • Personal hygiene 
  • Medicine/First Aid
  • Books- gardening, building, survival, etc... 
Helpful links 

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Google Classroom

It's the Costco way...get your computers

  • Go to Google Classroom to join a class
    • The code will be projected
  • The 5 Themes of Geography assignment has been assigned in Classroom 
    • Copy the assignment document 
    • Cut and Paste the information from from your existing document to the copy you made for the assignment and submit to Google Classroom
  • Jamestown assignment has been assigned in Classroom 
    • Copy the assignment document 
    • Cut and Paste the information from your existing document to the copy you made for the assignment 
    • Continue working on Jamestown
    • It will be due tomorrow (9/7/2018) before class

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


  • Turn in/pick up "Know your Textbook" 
    • Keep the worksheets as a reference
  • Work on the 5 Themes of Geography
    • It is due tomorrow at the beginning of class
    • Scroll to 8/31/2018 here on the Blog to review the instructions if needed
  • What Happened in Jamestown? (pages 36-37)
  • America the Story of Us: Life in Jamestown | History
    • What was the Human-Environment Interaction in Jamestown? 
  • Go to your Google Doc (Journal ) 
  • At the top of the page type the date (use left alien)
  • The title is Jamestown (below the date and left alien)
  • Below the title you are going to answer two questions
  1. Explain what the Human-Environment Interaction was in Jamestown and if it was positive or negative to the settlers (page 36-37)
    • Example introduction: 
    • The Human-Environment Interaction in Jamestown Colony was negative for the settlers due to ...
  2. What was Bacon's Rebellion and how did it impact Jamestown? (38)

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Our 1st assignment, “Know your Textbook”

It's the Costco way...get computers

What is needed on ALL future assignments 


    • accuracy, thoroughness, and readability is more important than how fast you get done
  • Heading: 
    • write your first and complete last name, the period and date on the right hand side

10% will be deducted from your grade on future assignments if this is not followed 
  • Answer the prompt (question) completely
  • Use CAPITAL letters when needed
  •  Spelling & Clarity: 
    • In our 1st assignment everything should be spelled correctly, the answers were directly out of the textbook. 
  •  If I can’t read it, I can’t grade it, write clearly
  • Roman Numerals (question 2: xxiv-xxvi) *they matter
  • Why the type of rifle makes a difference
  • Working in pairs or groups
    • Do you trust your source? (where you get your information)
  • Everyone should be working!
    • Reading, discussing the question or assignment,  & writing
  • Group work does not mean you just copy answers 
    • zero for that question or a zero for the assignment for both people involved- I’m serious!